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Вирусная библиотека

Анализ используемых злоумышленниками технологий позволяет нам делать выводы о возможных векторах развития вирусной индустрии и еще эффективней противостоять будущим угрозам. Узнайте и вы о том, как действуют в зараженных системах те или иные вредоносные программы и как этому противостоять.

Program.FakeMoney.11 в вирусной библиотеке:

Program.FakeMoney virus records are used to detect fraudulent applications that are positioned as online money-generating instruments. Users of such software do not actually receive the payments promised to them and risk having their personal data exposed by filling in special money withdrawal forms.

Most often potential victims are offered the opportunity to perform various tasks. This includes watching video clips and advertisements, writing reviews on certain sites and for certain services, and installing games and apps, to name a few. After successfully completing tasks, users receive a reward, which typically comes in the form of virtual currency. In theory, this reward can be converted into real money or exchanged for valuable consumer goods. In practice, however, when dealing with such apps, users risk encountering numerous problems.

First, these apps may initially set a high minimum number of rewards that must be collected in order to initiate the withdrawal process. With that, the reward for completing tasks is, on the contrary, set low to impede the user from collecting the necessary amount too soon. This effectively will delay the “payments” for as long as possible. As a result, users will waste significantly more resources—like time, internet traffic, and electricity—on completing tasks in comparison with the income they expect.

Second, the money withdrawal process itself can be artificially made complicated or absent altogether. For instance, users may be told that their request is in a queue, that the payment system or bank involved requires more time to process the request, or that there was an unexpected error.

Third, the tasks offered can pose a potential threat. For example, malicious actors can disguise trojan applications as harmless games that must be installed for a reward. And the ads displayed may propose illegal items and goods or fraudulent websites.

Уязвимости для Android

По статистике каждая пятая программа для ОС Android — с уязвимостью (или, иными словами, — с «дырой»), что позволяет злоумышленникам успешно внедрять мобильных троянцев на устройства и выполнять нужные им действия.

Аудитор безопасности в Dr.Web для Android произведет диагностику и анализ безопасности мобильного устройства, предложит решения для устранения выявленных проблем и уязвимостей.