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Android.Pincer is a family of malicious software running on Android mobile devices. The main purpose of this malware is to intercept incoming text messages and forward them to the violator.
If started by careless users, the Android.Pincer Trojans display a message about supposedly successful installation of a security certificate to the mobile device.
These malicious programs can be loaded with the operating system bootup as a background service. For this, the malware registers an appropriate system service.
After loading, Android.Pincer Trojans are connecting to a remote server, which address can differ for each version of the malware (for example, http://89.144.xx.xxx/gate/gate.php, https://img-xxxxx.com/android_panel/gate.php), and uploading the following information about the mobile device to the server:
Then these malicious programs are waiting for further instructions via SMS control messages of the “command: [command name]" structure. Cybercriminals may provide one of the following directives:
Android.Pincer Trojans send contents of intercepted text messages to the C&C server while also providing subscriber’s name and phone number for each SMS.
По статистике каждая пятая программа для ОС Android — с уязвимостью (или, иными словами, — с «дырой»), что позволяет злоумышленникам успешно внедрять мобильных троянцев на устройства и выполнять нужные им действия.
Аудитор безопасности в Dr.Web для Android произведет диагностику и анализ безопасности мобильного устройства, предложит решения для устранения выявленных проблем и уязвимостей.